Thursday, July 30, 2015

Communication Cable for PLC

As you know, there are many types of brands of PLC and HMI in the Industrial Automation World. 
Therefor, the needs of communication cable for programming each PLC is also different.

I have just found this website that might help you on determining which cable for which PLC/HMI.

Check it out

Friday, October 17, 2014

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Pengertian Inverter

Pengertian Inverter secara dasar yaitu suatu alat atau rangkaian komponen yang berfungsi membalik tegangan DC menjadi AC, kebalikan dari inverter yaitu Rectifier (AC to DC). Dalam dunia industri sendiri inverter dipakai untuk mengontrol kecepatan putaran motor induksi AC sehingga inverter biasa disebut dengan Variable Speed Drive. Dalam sebuah modul/alat inverter sendiri di lapangan sudah secara komplit sehingga pengertian inverter menjadi mengubah input motor (listrik AC) menjadi DC dan kemudian dijadikan AC lagi dengan frekuensi yang dikehendaki sehingga motor dapat dikontrol sesuai dengan kecepatan yang diinginkan.

Fungsi Dasar Inverter
Fungsi Utama dari Inverter yaitu untuk mengontrol kecepatan dari motor induksi AC.

Prinsip kerja Inverter
Dengan memberikan frequency yang berbeda-beda ke motor tersebut.


Teknologi yang dipakai inverter adalah menggunakan metode Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).
•    Pembentukan Gelombang Digital PWM dengan menggunakan diode penyearah untuk mendapatkan tegangan DC yang konstan ke Bridge Inverter.
•    Dalam Bridge Inverter, terdapat rangkaian transistor daya berkecepatan tinggi yang berfungsi untuk mengontrol tegangan dan frequency motor.

Keuntungan dalam penggunaan inverter pada kontrol kecepatan motor induksi AC yaitu :
•    Tanggapan Dinamik yang tinggi (pemakaian yang luas) untuk aplikasi industri dengan performa dan kemampuan yang tinggi.
•    Jangkauan kecepatan yang sangat lebar (0,1-400Hz), dengan halus mengontrol motor ke dan melewati kecepatan nol.
•    Menggantikan peran Kontaktor, sehingga memudahkan dalam wiring.
•    Dapat berfungsi lebih mengatur motor induksi dengan lebih dari dari 2 kecepatan
•    Mengurangi lonjakan arus pada starting motor, karena Inverter mempunyai Acceration dan Deccelaration Time.
•    Torsi tinggi pada kecepatan rendah tanpa menyebabkan overload.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

CC Link on QSeries

What are the requirement?
1. QSeries Power Supply module
2. QSeries CPU module
3. CC-Link Module for QSeries (QJ61BT11N)
4. Remote Input Module for QSeries (AJ65SBTB-16D)
5. Remote Output Module for QSeries (AJ65SBTB-16T)

How to do the wiring:

Explanation on the transmission speed/mode setting switch:

Need further information?

Contact: Auto Cakra Indonesia (
Charlie: 0821 1130 9070

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Relays on Automation

Relays are used to let one power source close a switch for another (often high current) power source, while keeping them isolated. An example of a relay in a simple control application is shown in Figure 2.2. In this system the first relay on the left is used as normally closed, and will allow current to flow until a voltage is applied to the input A. The second relay is normally open and will not allow current to flow until a voltage is applied to the input B. If current is flowing through the first two relays then current will flow through the coil in the third relay, and close the switch for output C. This circuit would normally be drawn in the ladder logic form. This can be read logically as C will be on if A is off and B is on.

The example in Figure 2.2 does not show the entire control system, but only the logic. When we consider a PLC there are inputs, outputs, and the logic. Figure 2.3 shows a more complete representation of the PLC. Here there are two inputs from push buttons.
We can imagine the inputs as activating 24V DC relay coils in the PLC. This in turn drives an output relay that switches 115V AC, that will turn on a light. Note, in actual PLCs inputs are never relays, but outputs are often relays. The ladder logic in the PLC is actually a computer program that the user can enter and change. Notice that both of the input push buttons are normally open, but the ladder logic inside the PLC has one normally open contact, and one normally closed contact. Do not think that the ladder logic in the PLC needs to match the inputs or outputs. Many beginners will get caught trying to make the ladder logic match the input types.

Many relays also have multiple outputs (throws) and this allows an output relay to also be an input simultaneously. The circuit shown in Figure 2.4 is an example of this, it is called a seal in circuit. In this circuit the current can flow through either branch of the circuit, through the contacts labelled A or B. The input B will only be on when the output B is on. If B is off, and A is energized, then B will turn on. If B turns on then the input B will turn on, and keep output B on even if input A goes off. After B is turned on the output B will not turn off.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Ladder Logic

Ladder logic is the main programming method used for PLCs. As mentioned before, ladder logic has been developed to mimic relay logic. The decision to use the relay logic diagrams was a strategic one. By selecting ladder logic as the main programming method, the amount of retraining needed for engineers and tradespeople was greatly reduced.
Modern control systems still include relays, but these are rarely used for logic. A relay is a simple device that uses a magnetic field to control a switch, as pictured in Figure 2.1. When a voltage is applied to the input coil, the resulting current creates a magnetic field. The magnetic field pulls a metal switch (or reed) towards it and the contacts touch, closing the switch. The contact that closes when the coil is energized is called normally open. The normally closed contacts touch when the input coil is not energized. Relays are normally drawn in schematic form using a circle to represent the input coil. The output contacts are shown with two parallel lines. Normally open contacts are shown as two lines, and will be open (non-conducting) when the input is not energized. Normally closed contacts are shown with two lines with a diagonal line through them. When the input coil is not energized the normally closed contacts will be closed (conducting).

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

What is a Dedicated PLC?

A dedicated PLC is a microprocessor controlled computer that is designed specifically to perform real-time industrial machine control.
There are 3 general sections to all PLC’s, INPUT, CONTROLLER, and OUTPUT.
INPUT – The input section consists of integrated inputs, or extension inputs that machine input devices will be wired to, like limit
switches, or transistor sensors. When the input voltage reaches its specified level the input becomes active. Once active, the input can be read by controller.
CONTROLLER – The controller is the main unit. Several CPU modules are available depending on the demands of your application.
OUTPUTS – The third section is the outputs. Based on the condition of the inputs, the controller will judge which outputs should turn on, to activate machine devices like lights, buzzers, relays, solenoids, or motors.
The 3 sections are controlled by custom sequencing software called ladder programming, which takes the place of hardwired circuits. The relationship between inputs and outputs is controlled by the logic in your ladder program. Because hard-wired circuits are now replaced by software logic, machine modifications and improvements, are much easier to complete.